Determination of Groundwater Availability in Parts of Ilesha, Osun State - An Effort to alleviate the Challenges of Food Insecurity

  • B. O. Ayodeji
  • O. Martins
  • O. A. Idowu
  • O. A. Aina
  • B. A. Akinola
Keywords: Groundwater availability, food security, irrigation, vertical electrical sounding, Ilesha


This paper is aimed at studying the hydrogeological and geophysical characteristics of some parts of Ilesha using the electrical resistivity method, with the intention of identifying locations where water can be abstracted for irrigation purposes and to ameliorate water supply, and thereby improve food security in the areas.

The available surface water resources are inadequate to meet the entire water requirement for various purposes. Therefore, the demand for groundwater has increased over the years. Generally, groundwater is less prone to pollution in comparison to surface water. Hence, groundwater serves as an important source of water for various purposes in rural and urban areas.

Groundwater is suspected to be available in the weathered, fractured, joints and cracks of the crystalline basement. This study clearly shows that most of the areas within the sixteen sampled locations have geological rock types that contain water or has good groundwater potential.


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