Comparison of Soil Erosion Models for Application in the Humid Tropics

  • V. Ogwo
  • K. N. Ogbu
  • C. J. Okoye
  • M. E. Okechukwu
  • C. C. Mbajiorgu
Keywords: AGNPS, WEPP, SWAT, Models, Soil Erosion


Soil erosion by water has contributed significantly to the degradation of lands and impoverishment of the lives of people, especially those living in the humid tropics. Soil erosion models coupled with geographical information systems have a major advantage in that they can represent the spatial variability of catchment characteristics. This study compared the performances of three erosion models, namely, AGNPS, WEPP and SWAT, applied on different watersheds based on model predictions and efficiency. WEPP applications were found to provide good capability to simulate sediment yield followed by SWAT as shown by the high values of ENS and R2, while AGNPS applications were satisfactory as shown by the average values of ENS and R2. Therefore, the application of these models is highly recommended in the humid tropics to reduce environmental degradation due to soil erosion.


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