The study was conducted to assess the determinant of aquaculture technologies adoption among fish-farmers in Obafemi – Owode local government area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Primary data were obtained from 224 fish farmers with an interview-schedule guide and field observation using simple random sampling and snow-balling sampling techniques during 2008 culture period. The study revealed that majority of the respondents were male (78.6%) within active age group of 41-50 years (47.0%), had primary education (51.0%), with household size of 7-8 persons (35.7%), farming as primary occupation (71.4%), fish farming experience of 3-4 years (40.0%) and belonged to fish farmers organization (51.4%). The major constraints in aquaculture were lack of access to appropriate land (31.4%), non-availability of micro-credits (97.1%), lateness in the supply of technological packages (75%), lack of infrastructural facilities (75%) and spatial factors to extension services and inputs (67.1%). The result of chi-square analysis showed that only sex (0.672, p<0.01) and extension agents (0.060; p<0.01) had significant association between socio-economic information variables and aquaculture technologies adoption. Based on the findings of this study, the following were therefore recommended: In an enterprise where a large proportion of the fish farmers were literate, adoption of disseminated improved innovation by extension agents will be embraced, high proximity to extension and communication services as well as aquaculture inputs will be enhanced if farmers formed themselves into cooperative societies, provision of rural infrastructures, as well as credit facilities should be provided by government. Participatory development of technologies between researchers and farmers are essential factors for adoption of new fish farming technologies.
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