In a highly competitive market, customers are vital asset for sustainable growth and good customer satisfaction/services will stimulate purchase intention. This study was carried out in Abeokuta among the consumers of tie-dye and batik fabrics with the aim of investigating consumers’ satisfaction. Consumers of tie-dye/batik fabrics were randomly selected for the study. The consumers were contacted in local markets, schools, offices and social centres. Structured questionnaire was used to conduct interview with the consumers and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Though poverty prevailed in Nigeria, the research findings reveals that tie-dye/batik practitioners in Abeokuta were not satisfying consumers’ purchase expectations in product, relationship and services. Consequently, consumers were not willing to exchange their hard earned money for poor quality products and unsatisfactory services. The study revealed that the quality of tie-dye/batik fabrics was not meeting consumers expectations, and the practitioners have poor relationship with customers. This affects re-purchase intention (consumers’ plan to buy tie-dye/batik fabrics at other times), low patronage of the product and result into a negative disconfirmation of tie-dye/batik fabrics. The study, however, recommends customers relationship management as an approach to identifying consumers pre and post purchase view of tie-dye/batik products/services in order for the practitioners to improve and satisfy the consumers.
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