• O. O. Fasina
Keywords: Listenership, Awareness, Family planning methods, Personal characteristics.


The study examined the effect of a radio drama programme on the use of family planning methods by women in Ondo state. A ratio 2:1 was used to select three local governments in the state on rural: urban basis respectively. Using a well structured interview schedule, data were gathered from a total of 90 women who were randomly selected. Descriptive statistics were used to present the findings of the study while the spearman rho rank correlation and the chi square analysis were used to test the hypotheses of the study. Data revealed majority (95.6%) were married in monogamous way (87.8%) with a mean of 37.4 years of age, educated beyond primary school level (83.4%) with trading as major occupation (67.8%). There was a high level of awareness of family planning methods in the study area (>60% for all methods) with condom being the method mostly used (34.4%). Frequency of listenership of radio-drama significantly increased level of awareness of respondents on family planning methods (þ= 0.22, p< 0.05) and use of family planning methods (X2= 57.49, p< 0.05). Level of education, marital status and type of marriage  were significantly related to the use of family planning methods.



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