Keywords: Adoption, modern technologies, natural resources, Benin Republic.


This paper evaluated data collected from 120 households in two areas of Benin Republic to identify socio-economic determinants of modern technologies adoption for sustainable management of natural resources. The methodological approach used is based on a structural equation modeling with latent variables. For the two areas, the results show that the participation in agricultural projects and frequent contacts with project agents were key factors of adoption. In fact, an increase in participation decision by 1 unit led to an increase in adoption decision by 1.28 units in Adja area and 2.05 units in Nagot (p<0.1). Likewise, socio-economic factors related to human capital, availability and access to production inputs and soil fertility determined participation in projects and adoption of technologies in Adja area. Conversely in Nagot area, socio-economic factors related to soil fertility did not influence adoption. These results suggest that agricultural policy should enhance the quality and efficiency of management of agricultural projects for both private and public initiatives in order to improve adoption of modern technologies for sustainable natural resources management in Benin Republic. The results have also revealed those factors that are vital for the promotion of adoption of technologies while implementing agricultural and natural resources management projects by government and donor agencies in Benin Republic.




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