The paper examined effects of housing stressors - housing attributes that could be stress-inducing which are high rent/cost, lack of space, housing discomfort, physical housing condition and dissatisfaction with housing - on the physical well-being of women and men in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study used primary data which were obtained through cross-sectional survey of households systematically carried out in Ibadan. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. Significant intra-urban variation is found in the effects of housing stressors on physical well-being of women and men. Only the impact of the high rent/cost is found to be higher for men than for women. Each of the housing stressors has more impact on the female-head households than on the married women living in the male-head households. Policy implication of the study suggested that gender sensitive urban development and planning policies that target - provision/rehabilitation of urban infrastructure, provision of infrastructural facilities and employment opportunities in the suburban and the surrounding rural areas, poverty eradication, creation of enabling environment to facilitate increasing production of affordable houses to the low-income earners, provision of more spacious housing and the creation of communal space in the residential areas, decentralization of urban activities and services - will have great effects on the general well-being of urban population.
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such residential land use districts lack basic amenities and facilities that make housing environment a convenient place to live. This study has shown that even though both women and men are affected by the housing condition, the effect on women is more due to their expected roles and responsibilities in the households.
Therefore, in order to address the situation, there is the need to carry out spatial engineering which Okafor (2000) terms “spatial manipulation” of the residential environments but with gender sensitivity. In other words, and as Filani (1999) identifies in the challenge to the future of geography, there is the need to organize and re-organize space within the dwelling unit and the dwelling environments in such a way that is gender sensitive. Hitherto, the focus of professionals engaged in the business of creating dwellings and dwelling environments has been on households defined and interpreted more often as household heads, whereas women are the primary and major consumers and users of these environments. For instance, it is common for the architect, in preparing a programme of requirements for the design of owner-occupied residences, to involve in the process, only the household head (usually a man) who has commissioned him to design a house. Little or no importance is attached to the specific requirements, values, roles and attitudes of women with respect to both the dwelling and its environment. In order to carryout spatial engineering that is gender-sensitive there is need to adopt approaches to planning and design that are more gender-conscious and sensitive.
The need for gender-conscious and sensitive spatial engineering even becomes more imperative with the fact that there has been a continuing process of separation of spheres of work and home. There is the need for the upgrading of the residential areas. Roads and other basic amenities and facilities need to be provided where they are non-existent and also made functional where they are no more functioning. Women should be encouraged to be involved in the planning interventions in the urban problems. This is because, in almost all aspects of the urban problem, women would benefit most from improvements. Tasks such as collecting drinking water and fuel, cooking and washing, keeping homes and land tidy, getting rid of waste, keeping up allotments, bringing up children and caring for the sick and invalids in the home usually fall on their shoulders. Hitherto, just as it is taken for granted that women should be responsible for these tasks, it is also assumed that women do not need to be involved in planning interventions in these areas. This perspective to urban planning and policy must change. The needs and priorities of women shuold be taken into account when neighbourhood improvements and basic facilities are being prepared.
As emphasized by Kolstee et al. (1994), women should be the starting point of plans for land use, routes to schools and markets, child care centers and local family and healthcare centers, and the location and layout of collective drinking water and sanitary facilities, collection points for domestic waste and facilities in the home ranging from ventilation in kitchens to space for a cottage industry that can supplement the household’s income.
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