Keywords: Women’s participation, decision-making, farm families.


The study investigated women`s participation in decision making among farm families in Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. A simple random sampling technique was employed in the selection of 105 respondents from registered female group farmers in the eight(8) cells as classified by the Ogun State Agricultural Development Programme (OGADEP). Structured interview schedule was used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentages while inferential statistics such as chi-square was used to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that all the respondents were married; majority had formal education, various types of decisions were made by women ranging from nutrition, education, social, planning and budgeting. Women’s attitude towards decision making was favourable. motivational factors that could enhance women’s participation were achievements, educational, economic occupational  statuses, personal interest,responsibility and recognitions, e t.c., Problems militating against rural women’s participation in decision making were studied. and socio-.economic characteristics were not significant statistically, but household characteristics, such as, family size, (x2=34.26), no of wives (x2=15.36), position as wife (x2=21.50), and problems (x2=27.95) were found to be significant at 0.05% with their level of participation in decision-making..



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