Gender Impacts of Farm Household Resource Allocation on Agricultural Commercialization in Oyo State, Nigeria
The study tried to quantify the impacts of gender resource allocation on agricultural commercialization in South-western Nigeria. The logit model was employed in the analysis. The data used came from a sample survey of the area of study. Empirical evidence shows that farm size male farm-time, female farm time, land ownership, household income and livestock ownership have positive significant impacts on the process of commercialization. Male off-farm time and female off-farm time have negative significant continuous variables were found to increase by rank. The percent change effects of these variables decrease with rank. The variables thus impact differently on the odds that the household commercializes or not. Based on the results obtained, farm expansion, farm income improvement, effective and operational land redistribution and mixed -farming promotion policies were recommended. Policies that will encourage increased and improved farm -time and decreased off-farm time were also highlighted.
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