Exchange Rate Deregulation Andagricultural Export Performance in Nigeria: Evidence from Vector Error Correction Modelling

  • Shittu M. A.
  • Ashaolu F. O.
  • Phillip B. B.
Keywords: Exchange Rate Deregulation, Agricultural Export Performance, Vector Error Correction Modelling, Nigeria


This study examined response of real agricultural exports to exchange rate deregulation policy in Nigeria. Examinations of statistical properties of the relevant variables showed they are generally I(1) series, and exhibits multiple co-integrating relations. Thus, the study examined the agricultural export response within the framework of Vector Error Correction Modelling (VECM). The study found that the anticipated inverse relationship exists between real agricultural export and exchange rate as postulated in trade theories. However, while the response is elastic in the short-run, it is smaller and inelastic in the long run. Meanwhile, any exogenously induced changes/ shock to the long-run relations is corrected within one year. Thus, income gains an elastic short-run export supply response to changes in the exchange rate tend to be eroded quickly as real agricultural export returns to its in-elastic long-run equilibrium relations with the exchange rate in about a year. Meanwhile, long-run agricultural export quantity supply is world price inelastic and falls with increase in real GDP in the world, depicting an inferior good. The study thus recommends that Nigeria should strive to promote a stronger Naira, a stable domestic prices and an enhanced quality of agricultural export commodities. 



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