The Challenges of Teaching Oral English in a Nigerian Non-Conventional University: A Teacher’s Experience

  • Sotiloye S. B.


Speaking is a very important skill in communication. It is the next logical step to listening in any       language acquisition process. It has been said that effective speaking is the key to success in life. In other words, an effective speaker triumphs in other communication skills. It is, however, saddening that this all-important skill has not received adequate interest and attention in the teaching of the English language from students, school authorities, and the government. The English language which is the official medium of instruction and communication in these institutions has not enjoyed much acceptance from the people. This makes it difficult for the teacher to impart the basic tools needed for effective  communications in these communities. The experience of the writer shows that the neglect of the speaking skill affects the students such that after having spent four or five years in the university, little or no impact is made on the student’s spoken English. This is worse in non-conventional universities where the students see no need for the Use of English course. The various forms of challenges the teacher of Oral English faces are the focus of this paper. Some recommendations which would help alleviate these problems are given.



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