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Author Guidelines

Scope of Journal: FUNAAB Journal publishes articles in the fields of Agricultural Science and Environment, and Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology and, Humanities, Social Sciences and Creative Arts.

General Instructions: Authors should submit three copies of the manuscript to:

The Editor-in-Chief, ASSET,
Federal University of Agriculture, 
P.M.B 2240, Abeokuta,  Nigeria.

Papers published in the Journal should be based on original research or continuation of previous studies that are reproducible. Papers to be published in the Review Section should be authoritative and very current.

Manuscripts should be typed on white A4 (8.5 x 11in or 216 x 279mm) paper, double spaced with wide margins (1in) and line numbered where possible.

Text: Should appear in the following order: Title, Authors’ names, Address of Authors, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figure Legends and Figures. Main section headings should be bold, centered and upper case letters. Do not underline the title or section headings. Subsections (also bolded) may be included and only the first letter of the subsection should be capitalized. Avoid excessive fragmentation of the paper.

Use SI units of measurement, and underline all Latin words and scientific names. Use numerals before standard units of measurements, e.g., 3 g, 9 days; 36 hrs; otherwise use words for numbers one to nine and numerals for larger numbers. For commonly used terms and abbreviations, consult the latest edition of Council of Biological Editors. Non Standard abbreviations should be avoided, and where used, they should be explained at their first mention.

Papers in the Mathematical Sciences should include AMS subject classification.

Title: Should be brief and reflect the main theme of the paper.

By-Line: Authors’ names should appear below the title and below which the address should be typed.

Abstract: An abstract in English should include key words, arranged alphabetically with only the first letter of the key words.   Abstracts should be  limited to less than 200 words, and should contain salient features of the study, briefly indicating method of study, results, and the main conclusion. Single solid lines should separate the by-line material from the Abstract, and the Abstract from the main text. A short running title should be included.

Introduction: Provide a survey of literature and clearly justify the need of the study.

Materials and Methods: This should be informative enough to enable readers to interpret the results obtained. Particular attention should be paid to the design, analysis and statistics.

Results: Should be concise: Avoid reproducing information already in tables.

Discussion: This may be combined with results but generally should be separate. It should indicate clearly the significance and implications of the results obtained. Inferences and opinions should be distinguished from facts, and should not duplicate results except to introduce or clarify points. Reference should be made to published literature.

Conclusion: The paper should draw major conclusions from the study or alternatively, the Discussion section may end with concluding remarks from the study.

Acknowledgement: Financial contributors, pre-paper reviewers, etc. should be acknowledged.

References: Only articles or books published or are “in press” may be cited. Copies of the publishers’ letters of acceptance should accompany all such citations. The reference list should be arranged alphabetically. Authors should be referred to in text by names and year (Havard system).


Aiyelaagbe, L.O.O., Adeola, A.O., Popoola, L., Obisesan, K.O. 1998. Agroforestry potential of Dacryodes edulis in the oil palm cassava belt of southeastern Nigeria. Agroforestry systems 40: 263 – 274.

Within the text, references should be given as:

Aiyelaagbe et al. (1998), or similar results have been obtained with irrigated rice in Bangldesh (Aiyelaagbe et al., 1998);

and if many citations, site as

(Leakey, 1998; Muyonga, 2000; Titilayo, 2000)

For books list as:

Gafez, D.A. 1980. Reproduction in tropical sheep. Fadigba and Okigwe, Lagos. 450pp.


Montgomery, G. VI., Kelly, R.W., Dans, G.H., Allinson, A.J. 1985. Ovulation rate and oestrus synchronization in Boorola genotypes: Some aspects of age, season and nutrition. In: Genetics of Reproduction in sheep. Land, R.B. and Robinson, D.W (Eds.), pp. 155 – 190. Butterworths, London.

Personal communication may be cited only in the text, giving names, date, and institution or organization of source of information.

Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures self – explanatorywithout reference to the text or other tables and figures captions should be brief but should adequately describe contents. “The Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. In the text spell out the word Table but abbreviate Figure to Fig. Capitalize the first letter of table column and row headings. Footnotes are designated with superscript lowercase letters.

Graphs should be boxed and ordinates and abscissions marked with index lines.
Illustrations should be in black and white and of a size that allows a reduction of up to 50%. If color prints are necessary, the cost of production will be charged to the authors. Figures should be numbered on the reverse side with authors’ names, shortened title, and the top indicated.

Paper Revision: An author receiving editorial recommendations for revision should submit the revised manuscript within 6 months; otherwise, longer intervals will be treated as new manuscripts.

Page proofs will normally be sent to the  author for correction if time permits.

Frequency of publication: Twice a yearbut subjects to production considerations.

Page charges: For the purpose of production, economic rates are charged based on the length of each accepted manuscript, but in all cases, production is at subsidized rates. Manuscripts to be submitted should not normally exceed about twelve (12) typed pages in double spacing.

For style and format, authors are advised to consult the most recent issue of ASSET  

Final Instruction for preparation of accepted manuscripts only

Use single spacing and use only Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher.

  1. In the title page, the title should be capitalized along with authors’ names with initials first.
  2. Use Arial Narrow font, 10 pts, for the abstract. Ensure key words are listed below the abstract.
  3. Use Times New Roman for the rest of the manuscript.
  4. Use 14 pts for Introduction to Acknowledgement sections.
  5. Use 14 pts for References.
  6. Capitalize and centralize all major headings, i.e., ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS TO REFERENCES and bold. 
  7. Italicize and left justify all sub-headings, which should be in small letters. Avoid numbering of lines or sub-headings.
  8. Do not indent the references.
  9. Do not put dates or years in brackets in the Reference list.
  10. Italicize the journal name only and the titles of books.
  11. All tables should be prepared using the Table Menu in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher.
  12. Scan all figures and enclose only originals of figures.
  13. Submit two printed copies of revised manuscript along with diskette.

Articles can be submitted to the Editorial Office through these e mails:

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.