• Oyekunle M A
  • Shodiya S A
  • Jimoh I K
Keywords: Reservoir, Antimicrobial, Resistant Salmonella, Poultry


A survey was carried out to determine the reservoir of antimicrobial resistant Salmonella among poultry in a local government in Ogun State, Nigeria. Isolation and identification of Salmonella strains mainly from faecal samples of non­clinical birds and blood samples from few clinical cases were carried out. The resistance profile of the Salmonella isolates was determined by disc-diffusion method. The results indicated relative large number of resistant Salmonella from birds. Young birds, ducks, exotic hens and intensively reared birds are useful characteristics for identifying birds likely to carry

resistant Salmonella.

Resistance to ampicillin, cephalexin and cefuroxine are highest among the tested drugs. In all, 22 resistant phenotypes were identified. Thirty-two out of 38 isolates were multi-resistant.


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