• Popoola A R
  • Adeoti A Y
  • Idakwo P Y
Keywords: Cowpea, peanuts stored, mould, incidence, Nigeria


Incidence and types of mould present in three varieties of peanuts (Ex-Poland, Double colour and Yar Dakar) and cowpea (D.90, GV and Borno Brown) stored in Bulumkutu market, Maiduguri were studied. Moisture content, percentage seeds surface-infected, total mould count (surface and inner infection) and mould identification were determined. Moisture content ranged from 13.5 - 19.6% and 15.0 - 20.0% in varieties of peanuts and cowpea respectively. Varieties of stored cowpea had a wider range of surface infection (19.0-51.0%) compared with peanuts (21.3%-38.4%). Total mould count was however lower in cowpea (9.2 x102 - 1.8 x103 cfu/g) compared with peanuts (1.3 x103 - 1.8 x 103 cfu/g), indicating that peanuts had more mould growing within the seeds than cowpea. Three genera of mould were identified in each crop - Aspergillus. Penicillium and Zygomycete. Borno Brown variety of cowpea had the highest load of these mould (57.6%) while GV had the least (14.3%). In peanut, Ex-Poland variety had the highest load of mould (42.9%) while each of Double colour and Yar Dakar variety had 28.6% load.


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