• Oke O A
  • Okanlawon O O
  • Ayodele M S
  • Amusan A S
Keywords: Efficacy. insecticides, pests, okra.


A study was carried out on the comparative efficacy of five insecticides on associated insect pest of Abeokuta 03 variety of West Africa Okra (Abelmosehus caillei) at the University of Agriculture Abeokuta. Increase in the number of insect pests on the Okra was also studied before and after the application of insecticides. The insecticides used were Monocrotophos, Primiphos-methyl, Carbaryl (Servin 85), Dichlorous and Endosulfan. The studied insect pests were Zonocreus variegatus (Orthoptera) Podagrica uniforma (Coleoptera), (Dyserdercus supertitious (Hemiptera), Oxycarenus species (Hemiptera), and (Bemisa species (Homoptera), Platyedra gossypiella (Lepidoptera) and Taemothrips sjostedti (Thysanoptera) Increase in population number of the insect pests before the application of the insecticides was observed to be rapid and high with the mean of the population number (3.33, 9.80, 13.33, 4.50. 4.67 and 15.50) respectively for each plot. However, after the application of the insecticides, there was a decrease in the population mean number (4.00, 9.33, 1.33, 3.17, 18.17, and 1.67) respectively for each plot. Monocrotophos and carbaryl (Servin 85) were observed to be more effective than other insecticides applied for the control of the insect pests of West Africa Okra.


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