Rapid Leaf area measurement Method for Queen of the Philippines (mussaenda philippica a. Rich)

  • Olosunde O O
Keywords: Leaf area, leaf length, width, leaf-dry weight, Mussaenda philippica


Leaf area measurement of white and pink varieties of Queen of the Philippines (Mussaenda philippica) was carried out using non-destructive and destructive methods in the year 2002 at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Leaf samples were randomly selected from the lower, middle and upper parts of the plant. Leaf length, width, product of length and width, and leaf-dry weight were assessed statistically and compared with the actual leaf area  measured by graph tracing method, to test their accuracy and reliability using Y= a+bX, and Y= bX models. There was a highly significant correlation between actual leaf area and the corresponding leaf length, width, length x width and dry weight and a higher degree of accuracy with Y = a+bX than Y = bX in either white or pink variety and the combined analysis of data on both varieties. However, the correlation between actual leaf area and the product of length and width was not significantly different using both models for white or pink variety. It was concluded that model Y = a+bX was more accurate and reliable to determine the leaf area of Queen of the Philippines (Mussaenda philippica) than Y = bX and therefore would be very useful for field workers dealing with large samples.


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