Genetic Variability and Correlation studies in ‘egusi’ Melon (citrullus lanatus (thunb.) Matsum & Nakai)

  • Kehinde O B
  • Idehin E O
Keywords: Genetic variability, melon, correlation, coefficient of variation, heritability.


Genetic variability and correlation analysis were carried out on 20 accessions of melon during two  growing seasons. The genotypic correlation coefficients of some characters with seed yield were    partitioned into direct and indirect effects. Heritability in the broad sense ranged from 17% for fruit   circumference to 90% for days to germination and flowering in the early season, while in the late     season this parameter ranged from 7% for seed weight per fruit to 88% for days to germination. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were recorded for seed yield while days to maturity had the least in both seasons. Fruit circumference and fruit weight had significant genotypic and     phenotypic correlation with seed yield in the early season while number of branches per plant, vine length per plant, number of fruits per plant and fruit circumference per plant showed significant       genotypic and phenotypic correlation with seed yield in the late season. Environmental correlation   coefficients were significant between seed yield and vine length per plant, number of fruits per plant and fruit size per plant. Path coefficient analysis revealed that vine length per plant and fruit circumference per plant had the largest positive direct effect on seed yield. The implications of these findings in the selection of superior genotypes are discussed.



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