Sero-Epidemiological Evaluation of Newcastle Disease Antibodies in some House-reared wild Fowls

  • Adebayo I A
  • Awoniyi T A
  • Faluyi O B
  • Adesuyi o C
Keywords: Newcastle disease, wild fowls, antibodies, epizootiological survey


A serological evaluation of Newcastle disease (ND) antibody was carried out in native guinea fowls and ducks. The house reared wild fowls were vaccinated using the locally manufactured (NVRI, Vom) Newcastle disease vaccines. Βeta-haemaglutination inhibition (HI) technique was used in determining the antibody titre levels. The study investigated  the occurrence of ND in the wild fowls with respect to the sustenance of wild ND virus in the local environment. The responsiveness of these fowls to active vaccination against Newcastle disease was also determined.  NDV (La Sota) and NDV (Komarov) were administered at different intervals over a period of eight weeks. The wild fowls showed significant immune responses from the mean baseline antibody titre value of log25 to log28 following the different vaccinations thus indicating positive sero-conversion to protective titre levels (> log25) against ND in the fowls. This finding established the fact that the wild birds were previously exposed to the wild ND virus and that the fowls were immuno-competent in responding positively to the routine Newcastle disease vaccinations. The epizootiological implication of this finding is discussed with respect to the sustenance of wild ND virus in the local environment.


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