Trypanocidal Efficacy Study of Natural Magnesium and Diminazene Aceturate in Wistar Albino Rats inoculated with Trypanosoma brucei

  • Biobaku K T
  • Ajagbonna O P
Keywords: Magnesium, wheat bran, and blood.


The effect of natural magnesium source wheat bran in combination with diminazene aceturate in wistar albino rats inoculated with Trypanosoma brucei was investigated. The infection with the parasite caused  a progressive parasiteamia, a significant (P<0. 05) decrease in packed cell volume (PCV), Red blood cell count (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) of infected not treated rats. This culminated in death of the rats by the 12th day post infection. These effects were significantly improved towards normal values by administration of sub therapeutic dose of 1.75 mg/kg diminazine aceturate and wheat bran supplement. Elemental analysis of wheat bran was carried out and was proved to have high proportion of magnesium. Although the combination and trial with wheat bran alone and did not clear the parasites completely yet it prolonged the survival time in the course of the experiment with remarkable improvement of hematological parameters towards the normal values.


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