Body Nutrients and Energy utilization by Breeding Cattle egrets (bubulcus ibis l) in North Eastern Nigeria

  • Ashaolu H A
  • Yusufu S D
  • Madakan S P
Keywords: Energy reserve, energy utilization, egg-laying, metabolism, Nutrients, pre- laying, post laying.


Nutrient and energy reserves are necessary and essential ingredients for successful reproduction in animals such as birds. Mean nutrients and energy reserve levels in breeding cattle egrets based on protein and fat were: Protein 56 .9% ( males) and 56.3%  (females) during pre-laying ; 56.3% ( males ) and 55.4% (females) during laying; and 56.39 (males) and 57.09 (females) during post -laying periods. Fats is 22.6% (males) and 23.4% (females) during pre-laying; 22.0% (males) and 21.2 %( females) during laying; and 23.2% (males) and 24.4% (females) during post – laying periods. Protein and fat reserve were generally lower during laying than the pre-laying and post –laying periods. Energy utilization was also significantly (P <0.05) different between the three breeding periods.


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