Laboratory Investigation of damage Potential of Larger Grain Borer - Prostephanus truncatus (horn) (coleoptera: bostrichidae) on some dried Root and Tuber Crops in Nigeria

  • Osipitan A A
  • Somade A A
  • Lawal O A
Keywords: Mortality, preference test, Prostephanus truncatus, root and tuber crops, weight loss.


The study investigated the ability of larger grain borer (LGB) – Prostephanus truncatus to infest and breed on some root and tuber crops (R&TC) namely potato – Solanum tuberosum L.; sweet potato – Ipomea batatas Lam; bitter yam – Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax; white yam – D. rotundata Poir; water yam – D. alata L; yellow yam – D. cayenensis Lam.; cocoayam - Colocasia esculenta L (Schott) and cassava - Manihot esculenta Crantz in the laboratory. The R&TC were cut into cubes of about 4cm3 and air dried in the laboratory. Five cubes each were separately placed in 250cm3 sized glass jars and infested with 10 pairs of adult LGB of between 1-5 days old for ninety days. Each treatment were replicated four times and arranged on a worktable in the laboratory using complete randomized design. Data were taken on final population of LGB, weight of frass generated, number of holes, number of adult mortality, number of larvae, number of pupae, % of damaged cube and % weight loss of cubes. Preference of LGB for the R&TC was studied in a “simple choice chamber test” conducted in a rectangular jar measuring 50cm x 30 cm x 25 cm. All the R&TC had 100 % damage except S. tuberosum that was not damaged nor infested. The highest mean population of adult LGB and number of holes on cubes was in M. esculenta and it differed significantly (P < 0.05) from other R & TC. Likewise, the mean weight of frass and % weight loss of cubes in D. alata was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in other R & TC. The preference test showed that LGB preferred the R&TC in the descending order: cassava - water yam - sweet potato - yellow yam - cocoayam - white yam - bitter yam - potato.  


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