An Empirical Investigation of Constraints To Utilisation of Management In Work Setting

  • A Oloruntoba
Keywords: Constraints, management training, job behaviour



It is widely assumed that the provision of training intervention for employees will automatically lead to improved job behaviour. The results of this study indicates otherwise. The study investigated constraints to managers’ use of management training. Stratified random sampling was used based on trainees’ institutions to select 48 senior research managers as respondents from 18 agricultural research institutes in    Nigeria.  Pre-tested instrument was used for data collection and the analytical tools used were descriptive statistics and factor analysis.  Majority of the trainees indicated that there were constraints that prevented them from applying the skills and knowledge learned during the training.  The results of factor analysis identified the following five primary components with eigenvalue greater than or equal to one as: inefficient  support services (21.9), poor financial/personal characteristics (2.59), adverse socio-political and economic factor (1.62), attitude to work (1.35) and insufficient reward system (1.03).  The findings suggest important dimension that not all organization problems call for training intervention.  Consequently, policymakers, employers, human resource managers and training organizers concerned with the improvement in individual and interface of organization with other systems should take note of this when planning a management training programme.

