Bushmeat Marketing In Nigeria A Case Study Of Benin City And It’s Environs

  • C. Kalu
  • A. A. Aiyeloja
Keywords: Imperfect marketing, game meat, wildlife, sanctuary and marketing channel



The research on marketing of bush meat focused on abundance of wildlife species for game meat, market channel (sources), weekly consumption and sales of the product.  The activities in marketing processes attempted to satisfy the needs of consumer who came at the end of the chain/channel.  The marketing channel of bush meat indicated that there was a significant difference in the different sources such as hunters, markets and restaurant operator (P<05).  It was identified that there was no significant difference among the four consumption levels considered in the study.  Grass cutter and duiker (meat) were the most abundant wildlife species which accounted for 24.28 percent and 23.31 percent respectively, while snake meat recorded the least with 2.91 percent.

