A Survey of Language Elements in Some Traditional Methods of Conservation of Bio-Diversity In Nigeria

  • T. A. Azeez
Keywords: Language, conservation, biodiversity, Yoruba, Nigeria.



Agriculture is perhaps, the first human activity on earth.  All human activities are communication based whereas; language is the vehicle of communication.  This paper surveys the language elements in agricultural practices based on the agricultural origin of language and communication.  Three disciplines namely: Crop production, Forestry and Wildlife and Fisheries Management are selected for study in Yoruba traditional strategies of conservation of bio diversity.  The study finds that language; verbal and non-verbal are mostly used to enforce practices that have the ultimate implications and net effect of conservation of biodiversity.  Proverbs, festivals, taboos and non-verbal language symbols were found to be in use among subjects to popularize and facilitate such traditional practices and indigenous knowledge.  And these language activities assist farmers and the traditional people to preserve biodiversity.  It calls for a review of Extension Services curriculum to include emphatic concentration on rural sociology in order to derive maximum gains from the resources of our local environments for the overall success in our agricultural practices.

