Sources Of Agricultural Information Used By Women Farmers In Orumba North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria

  • A. C. Anyanwu
  • A. E. Agwu
  • C. A. Umeweni
Keywords: Agricultural information, women farmers, Anambra State, Nigeria



This study identified the various sources of farm information used by women farmers in Orumba North Local Government Area of Anambra State.  An interview schedule was used to elicit information from 100 respondents randomly selected for the study.  Percentages, mean scores and correlation analysis were the statistical techniques used for data analysis.  The findings revealed that women farmers preferred getting farm information through interpersonal sources such as friends, relations, women cooperative societies and meetings organized for women farmers.  Results of the correlation analysis also showed that there were positive and significant relationship between educational attainment, farmers’ age, attendance to training workshops and use of professional interpersonal sources of information.  Hence, to enhance the awareness and productivity of women farmers in the area, the various sources of information should be utilized in disseminating farm information to the women.

