Analysis of Fish Processing Among Women In Ondo State, Nigeria

  • S. D. Yomi Alfred
  • E. O. Adeparusi
Keywords: Fish processing, women, Ondo State, Nigeria



Inadequacy of animal protein in the Nigerian diet is a common phenomenon.  Average protein intake in the country is at present less than half of the recommended (65-75 g/day) intake.  Processed fish is a good source of protein.  However, fish processing, which is regarded as an activity of the women folk, requires more attention so as to make fish more available in good condition to the consumers.  This study was carried out in Ilaje and Ese-Odo Local Government Areas of Ondo State, Nigeria.  The study area was divided into three sections for effective sampling coverage.  A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select nine communities (3 from each section), four wards from each community and four women fish processors from each ward giving a total of 144 out of which 120 was finally used for the study.  The data collected were analysed using frequencies, percentages, multiple linear regression analysis and chi-squared analysis.  The findings showed that about 80% of the respondents were below 45 years of age.  The numbers of children per respondent were between 5 and 8.  Respondents processed fish by smoking, salting, sun-drying, frying and freezing.  Distribution of products was done through retailers, wholesalers, co-operatives, and self.  The major contributing factor to fish spoilage was long distance from the markets.  Regression analysis showed that age, experience, cost of fish, labour and transport had positive influence on quantity of fish processed while experience, and cost of transport were significant at 1% and 5% respectively.  Chi-squared calculated showed that there was a significant relationship at 1% and 5% respectively.  Chi-squared calculated showed that there was a significant relationship between the marketing channels used by the fish processors and the quantity of fish processed.

