Linear Body Measurements as Predictors of Body Weight In Nigerian Local Chickens

  • Momoh O M
  • Kershima D E
Keywords: Local chicken, Body weight, Body measurements, Prediction.


Data on body weight (BW) and body measurements [linear body length (BL), chest circumference (CC), crus (CS), femur (FR), tarsometatarsus (TM)] were individually collected from 300 mature local chickens at three markets in Makurdi Local Government Area (LGA) of Benue State between February and June 2005. The objective of the study was to establish relationships between body weight and body measurements in local chickens and apply the data to predict body weight from body measurements. Data collected were subjected to least squares analysis using the generalized linear procedure. They were also subjected to regression and correlation analyses. Results indicated that males showed higher values for BW and body measurements (P< 0.05} than the females. The correlation coefficients (r) between BW and CC (r = 0.62 for males and r = 0.74 for females) and BW and BL (r = 0.72 for males and r = 0.68 for females) were strong, positive and significant (P< 0.001). BW had a linear relationship with both CC (R2 =0.52 and 0.62) and BL (R2 = 0.47 and 0.13) for males and females, respectively. Thus CC and BL are the body measurements that are most appropriate for the prediction of body weight in local chickens.


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