Ecotourism Potentials of Kamuku National Park, Birnin Gwari, Kaduna State

  • Osunsina I O
  • Ogunjinmi A A
  • Meduna A J
Keywords: ABSTRACT Nigeria has a very rich and immense natural resources and cultural heritage which are potentials for a buoyant tourism industry. However lack of inventory and socio-economic problems have hampered ecotourism development in the country. The ecotou


Nigeria has a very rich and immense natural resources and cultural heritage which are potentials for a buoyant tourism industry. However lack of inventory and socio-economic problems have hampered ecotourism development in the country. The ecotourism potentials of Kamuku National Park was therefore investigated to assess, locate and determine potential ecotourism features, through field survey and oral interview of park staff and visitors to the park. The study shows that the park is rich in fauna, flora natural resources and cultural features. The study also reveals that the major problems affecting ecotourism development in the Park include improper funding, inadequate staff, social disturbance and inadequate infrastructural facilities. Poaching, illegal grazing and conflict between park protection staff and cattle herdsmen were also among the principal factors hindering ecotourism development in the park. It is therefore important that the potentials of the park as tourist destination be explored and widely publicized so as to attract tourists, while drastic steps should be taken to curtail the obstacles that may limit its development.


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