• A. A. Owoade
  • S. H. IYIOLA
  • O. O. ONI
Keywords: haemorrhagic bursa, petechia haemorrhages


Infectious bursa disease (IBD) was tentatively diagnosed from an experimental cockerel flock. Clinical        signs observed included dullness, diarrhoea characterized by greenish yellow colour and spiking mor-        tality lasting four days. Post-mortem examination results showed pale and slightly enlarged liver and        kidney, enlarged and haemorrhagic bursa, petechia haemorrhages on the spleen, keel and thigh mus-        cles and thymus atrophy. Pale liver, thymus atrophy and haemorrhages in the bursa could also be        presented in Chicken Infectious Anaemia (CIA) infection. The organs (Bursa, kidney, thymus and liver)        from where the infected birds were further screened for IBD and CIA viruses using the polymerase        chain reaction technique and were positive for both. This confirms IBD and CIA are responsible for the        losses in the flock. This implies that many CIA infections or its mixed infection may be mistaken for        IBD alone if no confirmatory diagnosis is carried out, since most post-mortem lesions presenting ex-        tensive syndrome are considered to be caused by IBD.


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