Ascorbic acid is the least stable of all fruit juice nutrients; it is readily oxidized. Its concentration is an index to the retention of the original nutritive value. In this study, the effects of storage temperature, brix value, pH, quantity of antioxidant and duration of storage on the ascorbic acid level under non-refrigeration storage and distribution of pineapple juices were investigated; maximum shelf life and the quality values of the juice were estimated; and a quality value model was developed. Data were drawn from a 25 full factorial experiment conducted in three replicates with the order of the replicate experiment randomized. Multivariate regression analysis was used for relating the variables. The analysis of the experimental data led to the optimal conditions: 200C storage temperature, 180 brix value, pH of 4.5, 0.1g/litre of antioxidant and a maximum storage duration of 16days during which the ascorbic acid level was 11.68mg/100ml.
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