• C. A. AGBON
Keywords: Complementary foods, Nutrient composition, Children, Functional and sensory properties


Low-cost, nutritive but bulk-reduced complementary foods using sorghum, sesame, carrot and crayfish flour  were evaluated for proximate compositions (energy, protein, fats, fibre, ash), minerals (Fe, Zn, Ca, Cu, Se), total carotenoids, vitamin C, organoleptic attributes, and functional characteristics with respect to bulk density, dispersibility, water absorption capacity, swelling power, solubility and pasting properties.  The composite flours contained higher moisture, protein, fat, fiber, ash, Fe, Zn, Cu, Se, carotenoids, vitamin C than the control. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the chemical, functional and pasting properties of the different blends and the control. The Sensory panelists ratings showed that porridge from the control was preferred over the others because it possessed good sensory qualities. With the satisfactory nutritive value and functional characteristics of the composite flours, they can be recommended to infants and young children.


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