• S. I. Kuye
  • S. I. Faleti
Keywords: Cassava juice, corrosion, electrode diameter, welding, processing plant.


Welding is the major form of assemblage of cassava processing machines.  It has been observed that most of the machines often fail in service due to corrosion. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of electrode diameter on this phenomenon.  The mild steel samples used in this study were welded with electrodes of gauges 2.5mm, 3.5mm and 4.0mm respectively.  Cassava juice was used as corroding medium.  An electronic weighing balance was used to take the weights at 4 days interval progressively for 32 days.  The least weight loss was obtained in gauge 2.5mm sample (3.45g), followed by 3.5mm (4.96g) and greatest loss was recorded for 4.0mm sample (11.46g).  This shows that corrosion rate in cassava processing plant can be minimised through the choice of electrodes.  In this case, gauge 2.5mm is recommended for the construction of cassava processing machines.



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