• O. S. Olokode
  • P. O. Aiyedun
  • S. I. Kuye
  • N. O. Adekunle
Keywords: Kaolin, Evaluation, Thermogravimetric, X-ray Diffraction, Differential scanning calorimetric, Ajebo.


Clay, in regard to its origin is unique. The kaolin of the mine of Ajebo has a hydrothermal geological formation. It presents itself a fragile and crumbly material, of whitish colour. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the clay mineral of Ajebo deposit, its microstructure using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis (DSC/TG). The results showed that Ajebo clay belongs to the kaolin group (Kaolinite, nacrite, dickite, and halloysite). Elementary analysis showed the mineral to be composed mainly of aluminium, oxygen and silicon, with a low content of iron. The dehydrated state of the mineral was confirmed by XRD analysis; the basal spacing reflections indicate a sharp peak at 7Å of d001 and the absence of a peak at 10Å, which is indicative of hydrated kaolin. The SEM/SE studies indicated that Ajebo clay mineral particles are smaller than 10μm, forming agglomerates.


of 2.-]rs??6?>microlitre blood of infected respondents; others are Abeokuta North (2.0), Obafemi/Owode (1.6) and Odeda (2.1).  The overall mean parasite density per infected respondent was 2.0.  The HIV prevalence from the study was 3.5% (Abeokuta South (2%), Abeokuta North (5%) Obafemi/Owode (5%) and Odeda (2%)). Demographic data showed that the women were of different age groups, educational qualifications and gravid status.  Malaria parasite was more prevalent among the age group 21-25yrs (26%), while HIV prevalence was distributed across the age groups. Women with secondary school education had higher prevalence of malaria and HIV when compared with the other educational levels.  On the knowledge and perception of the infections, 63% and 43.8% of the women attribute malaria and HIV infections to mosquito bites and sexual intercourse respectively.  Antenatal clinic attendance among respondents was high with 79% attending regularly. In the treatment of malaria, chloroquine was considered as the drug of choice. Interaction with HIV positive women showed that 70.6% of them are on antiretroviral drugs (ARV) with 45% of respondents claiming that ARV drugs are expensive. There is the need for a sustainable control programme to monitor malaria infection and its interaction with HIV, thereby reducing burden of disease and attendant high cost of treatment.





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