The effect of local preservatives ‘abafe’ (Piliostigma thonningii) and ‘agehu’ (Khaya ivorensis) leaves on the pasting property of traditional dry-yam (gbodo) was studied. During the production of dry-yam, yams were treated with varied quantities of fresh and dried leaves, used singly and or combined form respectively while the untreated yam served as the control. The samples were milled into flour respectively and analysed for pasting characteristics. Although there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the paste viscosities of the treated samples compared with the untreated sample, the values (especially for peak and final viscosities) obtained were all higher than the values reported in the literature for the dry-yam. The peak, trough and final viscosities decreased while the breakdown and the setback values increased as the levels of treatments were increased. Sample treated with 10g of dried abafe leaves (D-AB10-Y) had the highest peak and final viscosities as 418.67 RVU and 498.50 RVU respectively while lowest peak and final viscosities were 300.83 RVU for CF50-Y and 376.10 RVU for D-AG50-Y respectively.
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