Posture at work is a source of musculoskeletal load. This is in addition to the external task-induced load depending on the task, which must be minimized to ease the work. Four working postures common to gari-frying workers in the southwestern Nigeria namely, sitting beside (SB), sitting in front (SF), alternating sitting and standing (ASS) and standing (S) were investigated to assess severity of loading in each posture. Activities of 16 fryers were videotaped and played back for assessment using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) technique. RULA grand score recorded were SB 7.00, S 6.50, SF 6.00 and ASS 5.75. Postural angles were also measured giving SB 36, S 50, SF 79, and ASS 500. RULA result has been confirmed by postural angle measurement, indicating that ASS has the least severity due to postural loading with the least bending/twisting and flexion of the back during gari-frying task. ASS posture, therefore, is recommended for gari frying in southwestern Nigeria.
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