• O. S. Olokode
  • P. O. Aiyedun
  • G. O. Oluwadare
  • O. J. Alamu
  • S. O. Fakolujo
  • W. E. Lee
Keywords: Ajebo clay, characterization, chemical composition, X-ray diffractometre, kaolin.


Ajebo clay deposit in Abeokuta, South West, Nigeria was characterized to establish its use industrially. The major properties investigated were drying and firing behaviour, apparent porosity, bulk density, water absorption capacity,, chemical compositions and X-ray diffraction. The qualitative analysis by inductively coupled plasma showed the mineral to be composed mainly of Aluminium, Oxygen and Silica, with low content of iron. The clay has modulus of rupture (strength) ranging from 15.04-35.62kgF/cm2 and the colour ranged from white brown to light red on firing. The properties signify that Ajebo clay is stoneware clay. It can be used for the production of stoneware, flowerpot, tiles and brick making.




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