Developmental Variability in Some Enzymic Antioxidant Properties of Some Vegetables

  • Akinloye O. A.
  • Adamson I.
Keywords: Developmental variability, antioxidant, vegetables.


The present study focuses on assessing developmental variation in the levels of some enzymatic antioxidants, peroxidative levels and chlorophyll contents in selected vegetables commonly consumed in Nigeria, namely Amaranthus caudatus (Tete), Celocia agentea (Soko funfun), Celocia argentea, pigmented (Soko olobe) and Chorchorus olitorius (Ewedu). There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in catalase activities in Amaranthus caudatus within the first and second week of growth when compared to its activity during the third and fourth week of growth. However, a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in catalase activity was observed in Celocia argentea pigmented and Chorchorus olitorius during the third and fourth week of growth. A statistically significant (p<0.05) as well as progressive increase in peroxidase activity was observed in Amaranthus caudatus, Celocia argentea and Celocia argentea pigmented throughout the experimented period while there was no   significant difference in peroxidase activities in C. olitorius during the third and fourth week of growth. An increase, (though not statistically significant) was observed in superoxide dismutase activities in A. caudatus and C. argentea with age. There was a pronounced decrease in the level of lipid peroxidation with age in A. caudatus and C. argentea when compared to C. argentea pigmented and C. olitorius. The chlorophyll content, though lowered in C. argentea pigmented and C.olitorius  was found to      increase with age in all these vegetables The extent of lipid peroxidation as indicated by the levels of malondialdehyde formation at the end of four week period was more pronounced in A. caudatus, C. argentea, and C. argentea pigmented within the first and second weeks of growth than what was observed in C. olitorius. An inverse relationship was observed between the level of malondialdehye formation (an index of lipid peroxidation) and chlorophyll loss (chlorosis) in these vegetables.



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