Haematotoxicity of Dietary Fumonisin B1 in Growing Pigs
Investigation was carried out with 24 male Large White weanling pigs of 8-9 weeks of age averaging 6.94±0.26 kg to study the haematotoxicity of dietary fumonisin B1 (FB1) in pigs. The animals were randomly assigned to four treatment diets containing approximately 0.2 (control), 5.0 (diet 1), 10.0 (diet 2) and 15.0 ppm (diet 3) FB1 in a 6-month feeding trial. Blood sample was collected from the ear vein of each animal at the end of the feeding trial for haematological analyses. Dietary FB1 had significant influence on haematological parameters. Animals fed diets 2 and 3 suffered significantly (p<0.05) reduced erythrogenesis and concentration of red blood cells, resulting in anaemia, with impaired respiratory capacity. The animals exposed to diet 3 (containing the highest FB1 concentration) suffered leukocytosis. Dietary FB1 concentration above 5.0 ppm is haematotoxic in pigs. The study suggests that the USFDA recommended maximum level of 10 ppm total fumonisins is above the no observable effect level (NOEL) for swine.
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