Protein Fractions of Legumes and Cereals Consumed in Nigeria

  • Akinhanmi F. T.
  • Arogundade A. L.
  • Tiamiyi O. M.
  • Oloruntoba E.
Keywords: Protein fractions, Pulses, Oil-seeds, Cereals


Protein fractions of the various legumes and cereals consumed in Nigeria were determined. The albumin, globulin, prolamin, acid and alkali-glutelin in them were in the range 0.2- 31.2 g/100g respectively. The oil seeds had higher (p<0.05) globulin, acid and alkali soluble glutelin than other food species but the pulses were richer (p<0.05) in albumin. Total extractable protein (TEP) in cereals, pulses and oil seeds were in the range of 8.3 -58.4 g/100g.


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