Efficacy of Magnesium Chloride Supplementation and Diminazene Aceturate in Rats Inoculated with Trypanosoma Brucei
The effect of Mgcl2 and Diminazene aceturate in experimental Trypansoma brucei infected rats was investigated. Infection with the parasite caused a progressive increase in parasitaemia which resulted in a significant (P<0.05) decrease in packed cell volume, Red blood cell count and white blood cell count in the infected not treated (group F), the positive control and other groups C,D,E, and G respectively. The treated groups C,D,E and G improved remarkably, but were not clear of the parasites, most especially group D, which was given subtherapeutic dose of diminazene aceturate and supplemented MgCl2 orally at 100 mg/kg per os. This prolonged the life of theĀ rats to up to 27 days. The combination of MgCl2 and diminazene reduced the severity of trypanosome infection and hence alleviated the anaemia and leukopenia.
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