A Typical Infectious Bursal Disease with Mdr Escherichia Coli Co-Infection Among 11-Week-Old Pullets

  • Okiki A. P.
  • Ogbimi O. A.
Keywords: Antibiotic resistance, co-infection, Escherichia coli, Immunosuppression, infectious bursal disease, re-brooding


Infectious bursal disease (IBD) outbreak was reported in a flock of 11-week-old hyaline pullets on a commercial poultry farm located in Agbado town of Ogun State, Nigeria. The diagnosis of the disease was based on clinical signs and pathological lesions followed by assessment of IBD antibody sero-profile status by the Idexx ELISA technique. Mortality and morbidity were 45.6 and 93.7% respectively. Mortality pattern was a-typical of common IBD cases. There was secondary infection of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli. Re-brooding and timely administration of appropriate antibiotic to control the secondary bacterial infection were important in reducing case fatality during the outbreak.



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