• T. A. Shittu
  • I. I. Adedokun
Keywords: Fufu, lafun, pupuru, sensory acceptability, functional properties


This study provides scientific evidence to test the hypothesis that the flours and cooked forms of fufu, lafun and pupuru can suitably serve as substitutes for each other in the food markets and eateries, respectively. Sixteen functional properties of flours were compared statistically. Similarly, discrimination and preference tests were also conducted on the cooked dough.  About 88% of the functional properties of the products were significantly different (p<0.05). Cooked dough samples were significantly different in terms of the appearance, odour and texture. Pupuru had the highest preference scores for all the sensory attributes. Dough appearance was the most important factor determining the overall acceptability of the products. Conclusively, the flours and cooked dough from traditionally processed fufu, lafun and pupuru cannot suitably substitute for each other in food markets and consumers end.



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